Tuesday 26 February 2013


A email is a email but sometimes when you are trying to write a email and your intentions could be good but the way you express it makes the intentions look bad in the reader's mind hence a good email then turns to be a bad email. Sometimes when we write a email we do not check our grammar mistakes and a word like "Weight" could be written as "Wait" and they both have different meanings so it confuses the reader who is reading the email. A good email is a email that is a topic in the subject box which is related to your email and a warm Hello or a welcome and everything you want to express described very well but in a bad email you could just have 2-3 lines which have nothing to do with your topic and just gives a brief idea without describing anything.

1 comment:

  1. I like your description of an email as it is very diverse and the intentions are clarified.
