Tuesday 26 February 2013


When we keep all these points in mind and follow the guidlines, a email becomes a good email but when we do not follow these guidelines then a email becomes a bad email. The ending also tells you what your tone is like, for example if you say "With Best Regards" compared to just a one word saying "Thanks" it determines what your tone is like and your attitude towards writing a email. So a closing is basically the icing on the cake, the cake being the whole email and the icing being the closing. Sometimes we do not realize because there are so many things to keep in mind, but we have to be very careful because these days with all the internet facilities emails could be used for a bad or wrong use as well.

1 comment:

  1. I like the way you have presented your information in your blog. It is very informative and helpful for someone who does not know how to write emails correctly. This can be the reason why one can be denied a job opportunity. I just hoped you had these helpful tips up while our assignment #2 was due, as it related to properly communicating while writing an email.
