Tuesday 26 February 2013

Video: Good Emails VS. Bad Emails:


Response to an Email:

If you are sending any email it can be a response or reply email. So before writing any response emails follow some rules given below:

  • Answer all the questions in order to avoid getting email again for unanswered questions
  • Use proper spellings, grammar and punctuation
  • Don't write in capitals it seems that you are shouting on that person
  • Confidential information should not be send through email
  • Don't reply to spam
  • Don't copy any message or attachment without a permission
  • Read the email before you send it.

Importance of Email Reply:

In Business email replies are vey important but few companies don't give importance for writing an email replies, they reply late or don't reply at all. So in companies all employes must be taught the importance of writng a reply. It is beneficial to company as it conveys the professional image of the company, it improves the efficiency of the email and it make the employees aware about the email risks will protect company from costly law suits. So always follow the important rules while writing a reply to an email.

Good VS. Bad Emails

Examples of a bad Email:


People should not also send an email when they want a instant response, because many times some people are busy and do not check their emails for many days. Emails are also written sometimes when you cant express something to someone face to face then email would be the best way to communicate and to convey your message.

Email Length

A lot of people do not like long emails because at a time they get boring and not everyone has a patience to read long emails so emails should always in my opinion be short, precise and to the point. Because if one thing is repeated and if you are trying to send out a specific message then there will be a time when the reader would want to just close the email and not read anymore.


When we keep all these points in mind and follow the guidlines, a email becomes a good email but when we do not follow these guidelines then a email becomes a bad email. The ending also tells you what your tone is like, for example if you say "With Best Regards" compared to just a one word saying "Thanks" it determines what your tone is like and your attitude towards writing a email. So a closing is basically the icing on the cake, the cake being the whole email and the icing being the closing. Sometimes we do not realize because there are so many things to keep in mind, but we have to be very careful because these days with all the internet facilities emails could be used for a bad or wrong use as well.

EOM Headlines:

When you have a very short message to convey, you can use the EOM, or End Of Message, technique. This is possible when you can put all the relevant information in the subject line, followed by the letters "EOM". This lets the recipient know that he or she doesn't even have to open the email, all the information is right there. The subject line basically is the message.
Subject: 10/5 Meeting, 10am, Conf. Rm. A, On PASS Procedure EOM

The response you are looking For:

A lot of people write a email so that they can get a response back from the person they are writing to, so make sure it is clear that when you write a email it shows that you are looking for a response and also clear that what kind of response you are looking for and that your contact information, email address, title everything is included so that the reader can respond to that.

A good example would be:

Subject: Checking On Reliable Landscapes Proposal
Dear Lynn,
I just wanted to check that you have received the landscaping proposal I emailed to you last week. I haven't heard back and wanted to make sure it went through.
Can you please call me by Thursday so we can discuss? This is when our discount offer expires, and I want to make sure you don't miss it!
The quickest way to contact me is by cell phone.
Peter Schuell, Owner
Reliable Landscaping, Inc.
555.135.4598 (office)
555.135.2929 (cell)
Peter has now given Lynn all the information she needs. She knows he emailed the proposal last week, that he would like her to call him by Thursday, and that she should use his cell phone to make contact quickly. Most importantly, Peter included his name and title, so Lynn knows who he is, and put his contact information at the bottom.

A bad example would be:

From: reliablelandscapes@domain.com
Subject: Proposal
Did you get my proposal last week? I haven't heard back and wanted to make sure.
Can you please call me so we can discuss?

It says can you call me when there is no number given also Lynn would have no idea about which propsal Peter is talking about since it does not specify very well. Not much information is given in this email.

One point Per Email:

One of the advantages of email compared with traditional letters is that it doesn't cost any more to send several emails than it does to send one. So, if you need to communicate with someone about a number of different things, you should  write a separate email on each subject.
That way, your correspondent can reply to each one individually and in the appropriate time frame. One topic might only require a short reply, that he or she can send straight away. Another topic might require more research. By writing separate messages, you should get clearer answers, while helping other people manage their inboxes better.

Good Example:

Subject: Revisions For Sales Report
Hi Jackie,
Thanks for sending in that report last week. I read through it yesterday and feel that you need more specific information regarding our sales figures in Chapter 2. I also felt that the tone could be a bit more formal. The report is going to be read by our Executive Team, and needs to reflect our professionalism.
Thanks for your hard work on this!
Subject: Friday 10/9, 11am Meeting w/PR Dept
Hi Jackie,
I wanted to let you know that I've scheduled a meeting with the PR department for this Friday, 10/9, regarding the new ad campaign.
It's at 11:00am, and will be in the small conference room. Please let me know if you can make that time.
By separating those two important communications, Jackie will be able to find what she needs quickly in her inbox. As well as this, separating the two topics helps her keep her saved emails relevant. Once she's done with the revisions email she can delete it, but keep the meeting reminder email until the end of the week.

Bad Example:

Subject: Revisions For Sales Report
Hi Jackie,
Thanks for sending in that report last week. I read through it yesterday and feel that you need more specific information regarding our sales figures in Chapter 2. I also felt that the tone could be a bit more formal. The report is going to be read by our Executive Team, and needs to reflect our professionalism.
Also, I wanted to let you know that I've scheduled a meeting with the PR department for this Friday, regarding the new ad campaign. It's at 11:00, and will be in the small conference room.
Please let me know if you can make that time.

In one email she put two different topics so its not very clear to the reader which one is more important.

Subject in Emails:

A newspaper headline has two functions: It grabs your attention and it tells you what the article is about, so that you can decide if you want to read further. Email subject lines need to do exactly the same thing. For example:

Subject: Reminder of 10am Meeting Sched. 10/05 on PASS Process.

Hi Jim,

I just wanted to remind you about the meeting we have scheduled for Monday, October 5, at 10:00am. It's being held in conference room A, and we'll be discussing the new PASS Process.

If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch (x3024).

Best Wishes,


 This is a good example of a subject heading because the reader does not even have to open the whole email most of the information is in that one line called Subject. This is a example of a Good subject.

A bad example of a subject would be:

Subject: Meeting

Hi Jim,

I just wanted to remind you about the meeting we have scheduled next week. Do let me know if you have any questions!

Best wishes,


This is a bad example because there is not much information about the email and when you do not have much information then it becomes a spam email.


A email is a email but sometimes when you are trying to write a email and your intentions could be good but the way you express it makes the intentions look bad in the reader's mind hence a good email then turns to be a bad email. Sometimes when we write a email we do not check our grammar mistakes and a word like "Weight" could be written as "Wait" and they both have different meanings so it confuses the reader who is reading the email. A good email is a email that is a topic in the subject box which is related to your email and a warm Hello or a welcome and everything you want to express described very well but in a bad email you could just have 2-3 lines which have nothing to do with your topic and just gives a brief idea without describing anything.