Tuesday 26 February 2013

Video: Good Emails VS. Bad Emails:


Response to an Email:

If you are sending any email it can be a response or reply email. So before writing any response emails follow some rules given below:

  • Answer all the questions in order to avoid getting email again for unanswered questions
  • Use proper spellings, grammar and punctuation
  • Don't write in capitals it seems that you are shouting on that person
  • Confidential information should not be send through email
  • Don't reply to spam
  • Don't copy any message or attachment without a permission
  • Read the email before you send it.

Importance of Email Reply:

In Business email replies are vey important but few companies don't give importance for writing an email replies, they reply late or don't reply at all. So in companies all employes must be taught the importance of writng a reply. It is beneficial to company as it conveys the professional image of the company, it improves the efficiency of the email and it make the employees aware about the email risks will protect company from costly law suits. So always follow the important rules while writing a reply to an email.

Good VS. Bad Emails

Examples of a bad Email: